Sunday, September 11, 2011


It is so difficult to believe that 10 years ago,  the United States of America was attacked by terrorists and our world changed forever!  I remember that moment so vividly!  Today, as I watch the Memorial Dedication on TV, my heart is breaking & I just can't hold back the tears as they flow down my face as I listen to the children (especially) call out their parent's name or share a story. I just can't imagine, I get chills every time I think about it!  If we can learn something from this horrible tragedy, it is to cherish every day, every moment because life can change in an instant.  In memory of all we lost 10 years ago, God bless all who died, gave their lives to help others & all that lived who have to carry the burden in thier daily lives. But please...... NEVER FORGET & continue to be vigilent in our efforts to eliminate terrorism!

Ground Zero after 9/11
The Twin Towers before 9/11